Sky Prog Programmer for Candy is a program for reading and programming the configuration zone (firmware records) in the Invensys and MDL electronic modules of the Candy washing machines.
An additional function is to display error statistics.
Please note that the functions of the software are approximately the same as the work of the proprietary MEM programmer from CANDY. With this tool, it is not possible to program a new clean microcontroller. Flash memory needs to be programmed with a different tool. If you need help in this matter, please contact the author of the project (see the Contacts section). |
At the moment there are two software for working with CANDY: Candy Lite and Candy Plus.
The Candy Plus version (since 12/19/2015) contains a software module - the Candy firmware database parser. With its help, you will not need to look for the required firmware somewhere, it will already be in your computer!
See also sections:
Sky Prog Programmer is installed on the computer and works regardless of the Internet.
The program allows you to read / write an external EEPROM (a stand-alone memory chip), as well as an internal EEPROM that is inside the microcontroller.
In this case, after recording the firmware, the two control bytes necessary for correct operation of the module are inserted in the internal memory of the microcontroller.
An important feature of the program is the recording of a new firmware into the internal EEPROM of the microcontroller and then recording the two control bytes, which allows not to search the firmware for a specific version of the FLASH controller. It is allows avoid the E15 error.
There is a demo version of the software. Distributed without restrictions. Download and test the program on your computers.
Hardware part (programmer device).
A programmer is required for operation.
At the moment, there are two options for connecting the computer to the PCB: via COM port (RS232, Serial port), or via USB port.
In which cases, you need to program the module:
- When installing a new unconfigured PCB or configured PCB, but not under the desired model;
- When installing a second-hand module on a product of another model;
- After replacing the microcontroller;
- After replacing the FLASH memory of the microcontroller;
- When software failure/damage to internal or external EEPROM.
Having in your arsenal the Sky Prog Programmer tool, you will be able to keep in your stock a pair of the most running non-programmed modules, and when there is a need, you will can fast program the new module with the correct firmware for a client.
The program checks for new versions and, if found, will ask you to update it.
Updates are free!
It is possible to reinstall the program on other computers.
The program was tested on operating systems:
- WindowsXP;
- Windows Vista;
- Windows 7.